Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Tentang Berhenti Merokok Pada Perokok Aktif Di Kelurahan Ketintang Surabaya: Mix-Method

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Putu Melista Putri
Anggara Martha Pratama
Firdayatul Juwariya
Dian Natasya Raharjo
Amelia Lorensia


The prevalence of smoking in adolescents has increased from year to year. Smoker awareness is very important in
increasing the success of quitting smoking. The level of knowledge and attitudes is needed for self-management
attitudes for smokers. The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes about smoking
cessation among active smokers in the Ketintang Village, Surabaya. The design that will be used in this study is
Mix-Methods with Convergent Parallel Design. This research was conducted in Ketintang, Surabaya, with the
consideration of the availability of active smokers in a Mosque Youth and Youth Organization organization, which
was carried out for 2 months starting April 2022 - June 2022. The variables measured in this study included the
level of knowledge and attitudes of active smokers about quitting smoking. Data collection was carried out by indepth interviews and data were analyzed descriptively. Respondents involved in the study were 40 people. The
average respondent has good knowledge (90.00%) and a positive attitude (95.00%). Respondents thought that the
types of cigarettes according to respondents were ordinary cigarettes (conventional), shisya, and vape. Respondents
thought that the way to quit smoking could be done by making an independent effort to quit, avoiding smokers'
surroundings, and replacing conventional cigarettes with electric cigarettes (vape). Therefore, smoking cessation
programs need to be improved, especially for smokers who wish to quit smoking.


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How to Cite
Putri, P. M. ., Pratama, A. M. ., Juwariya, F. ., Raharjo, D. N. ., & Lorensia, A. . (2023). Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Tentang Berhenti Merokok Pada Perokok Aktif Di Kelurahan Ketintang Surabaya: Mix-Method. CoMPHI Journal: Community Medicine and Public Health of Indonesia Journal, 3(3).
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