Pengetahuan Penyakit Pernapasan Kronik pada Perokok Aktif

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Pandu Laksono
Rivan Virlando Suryadinata
Amelia Lorensia


Cigarettes are one of the addictive substances in the form of nicotine, which can cause dependence for the wearer.
In Indonesia, the number of smokers continues to increase every year. The prevalence of adult smokers consisted
of men (67.4%), women (4.5%) from 36.1% of the population. The mortality rate due to smoking is expected to
continue to increase because there is a significant relationship between the degree of smoking and the severity of
COPD. COPD is a disease that attacks the lungs, one of the causes of which is cigarette smoke. The higher the level
of knowledge of active smokers, the lower the risk of a person getting COPD. Therefore, research is needed
regarding the level of knowledge of chronic respiratory diseases related to active smokers. This study aims to
determine the level of knowledge of chronic respiratory disease in active smokers in Pungging Mojokerto District.
The method used is a quantitative cross-sectional design with purposive sampling and analyzed descriptively. The
results showed that the level of knowledge of active smokers in the District of Pungging Mojokerto on chronic
respiratory disease there are 3 levels of categories. Of the three categories, the highest level of knowledge was
obtained in the moderate category (50.82%), high category (44.26%), and low category (3.28%).


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How to Cite
Laksono, P. ., Suryadinata, R. V. ., & Lorensia, A. . (2023). Pengetahuan Penyakit Pernapasan Kronik pada Perokok Aktif . CoMPHI Journal: Community Medicine and Public Health of Indonesia Journal, 3(3).
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